Live like you're abroad: Nob Hill
The whole purpose of "Live like you're abroad"is deviating from routine. While I have been hearing about yoga at Grace Cathedral for over a year now, it's just so much more convenient to walk two blocks down my street to my local yoga studio -- where I can leave my house five minutes before class starts. With my new mantra as my motivation, I went on a two mile run (it's so sad how easy and close it looks when you type it) to Nob Hill, where I spent Tuesday evening enjoying peaceful yoga with live music and the sunset seeping through the stained glass windows, followed by a delicious Italian dinner with my friend Alysse. My old boss recommended Nob Hill Cafe months ago, but again, it's much easier to take a right turn out of my house where I find myself in Little Italy with zero effort. His claim that it boasts the best Italian food in San Francisco did not disappoint -- we shared a ceasar salad and gnocchi bolognese and it was absolutely delicious.
Nob Hill Cafe is dimly lit and romantic, and while I only felt a little awkward in my yoga spandex, it would be the perfect place to dine before or after having drinks at Top of the Mark. While it is touristy, the panoramic views of the city are unmatched -- and when live music and bay views are involved, I don't even mind spending an extra few bucks on a glass of wine.
My time spent in Nob Hill is obviously significantly less than in the Sunset, but even spending an evening there made me want to discover more -- and that's the point.